Blogs-Hexquisite Decorating Ideas for a Hauntingly Bootiful Home-Threadbare Gypsy Soul

Hexquisite Decorating Ideas for a Hauntingly Bootiful Home

Written by: Tamara Perry



Time to read 8 min

Transform your home into a ghoulishly chic retreat with our hexquisite decorating ideas for a hauntingly bootiful home. From spine-chilling accents to spellbinding color schemes, we've got everything you need to create an enchanting and eerie atmosphere perfect for the Halloween season. Dive into a world where cobwebs and cauldrons are not just for witches, but for anyone seeking a hauntingly glamorous home. With the flick of your wand, a trip to your local craft and thrift stores, and a little help from Threadbare Gypsy Soul, you can unleash your inner designer and conjure up bewitching centerpieces, eerily elegant entryways, and ghoulishly glamorous tablescapes. Our Halloween decorating ideas will send shivers down your spine and transform your home into an hexquisite haunted manor!

Halloween Decorating Ideas - Chic not Cliché

The title of our blog article may be super cheesy… but your home won't be this Halloween! If you want your home to be chic not cliché this Halloween season you have come to right place. Let Threadbare Gypsy Soul help you embrace the spirit of Halloween and transform your home into the ultimate haunted haven!

Elegantly Eerie Entryways

The best place to start your Halloween decorating, especially if you are on a budget, is to start where you get the most Halloween traffic. For most people that is your doorways and entryways. 

Front porch doorway decor helps set the spirit, welcoming your guests and trick-or-treaters, and communicates not only your sense of Halloween style but also sends the message that you are open for little goblins and ghouls to haunt you this Halloween.
Threadbare Gypsy Soul's Hexquisite Halloween Collection

Your entryways should be equally as enchanting and inviting.

Vintage Witch Boots Vase, Gilded Spider Spellbook, Vintage Glass Candles, and Amber Apothecary Bottles all part of Threadbare Gypsy Soul's Hexquisite Halloween Collection.

This will be your ghastly guest’s second impression and you want it to be both bootiful and accessible. If people will be entering your home for a Halloween party, or will need to step in your doorway to fill their cauldron’s with candy, you want plenty of walkway room to allow for oversized costumes, bags, and candy buckets.

Threadbare Gypsy Soul's French Country Pedestal Table

You don't want your favorite decor getting knocked over, broken, or dragged out the door accidentally clinging to Dracula's cape. 

Another accessibility consideration is where to keep THE candy!  

The Serpent Serving Bowl, Amber Apothecary Vase Trio and French Country Pedestal Risers all part of Threadbare Gypsy Soul's Hexquisite Halloween Collection.

It should be easily accessible for you to open the door and access your goodies to giveaway to your visiting goblins, without you having to leave your entryway. 

Create an Hexquisite Haunted Manor with Vintage and thrift store finds

One of my favorite ways to decorate for any holiday is to hit local thrift stores, antique stores, and estate sales. I look out for, and pickup, items all year round that I can repurpose and reuse in new ways. 

Anytime I run across amber bottles, of any shape and size, I snatch them up! There is a running joke at one of my favorite thrift store haunts that I have an amber addiction! It's true, I can't pass up anything made of amber glass!  There is so much you can do with them and they just exude fall elegance! Various sizes and shapes can be grouped together to bring warmth to any space. Filled with flowers or herbs, they make great vases. My favorite way to use my amber glass bottle finds are to create and print apothecary labels and apply them to the bottles to imitate old potion or poison bottles!Threadbare Gypsy Soul's Amber Apothecary Vase Trio

There are several free printables out there you can use to make your own but if you are short on time and supplies, you can purchase and upgrade our Amber Apothecary Vase Trio and we will apply our super spooky and humorous vintage apothecary labels to your bottles before shipping to you, for display in your haunted manor

Side note: The Amber Apothecary Bottles sold on Threadbare Gypsy Soul's website are new, not found. I have found many bottles over the years containing mysterious contents and while I will clean and use them for my own decorating purposes, I can't guarantee what once was in these bottles is safe and can't guarantee it it doesn't still somewhat linger. So I choose to enjoy these finds for myself and provide my loving customers with new, unused, vintage inspired, non-poison, imitation poison bottles 😂! You’re welcome! 

Now back to the tips and tricks… I wouldn't say my addiction stops with amber glass. I have a real addiction for clear or colored vintage glass candy dishes of any color! These are perfect for adding vintage charm to your Halloween decor displays and tablescapes. If you have clear cut glass candy dishes, fill them with glass eyes or here's a novel idea… fill them with candy!  Threadbare Gypsy Soul's Vintage Glass Candy Dish Soy Candles are an elegant way to add texture, pops of color, and sensual fragrances of Fall to your home this Halloween

Threadbare Gypsy Soul's Vintage Glass Candle Collection

Side note: The vintage glass candy dishes used in our Vintage Glass Candle Collection are truly vintage since most people didn't store pesticides, herbicides, or some other poison in their candy dishes 😂.

Ok seriously, I am going to stay on track now, I swear! 

Another item, I am always on the look for are old  picture frames. I like to look for vintage gold baroque style frames of every size. I have repurposed these frames for many different projects. These style frames are perfect for inserting spooky vintage photos and mixing in with your Halloween decor.

Green Gourd Pumpkins, Gold Gilded Insects, Amber Apothecary Bottles and Unicorn Skull can all be found in Threadbare Gypsy Soul’s Hexquisite Halloween Collection. 

I found nine of these little gold frames today at an estate sale for $4 for the whole bag!  

I found this 30" x 19.5" baroque style mirror at a garage sale for $3!  And this 10”x 8” oval frame at a thrift store for only 50 cents! The dust was free but I thought it added to the spooky vibe I was going for so I didn't clean them 😂. Print and insert your own vintage spooky photo, layer both together, and voila instant and inexpensive hexquisite Halloween decor! 

Other items to always be on the lookout for and never pass up - candlesticks, candelabras, skeleton keys, ornate baroque mirrors like the one above, and old books, the older and more well used and worn, the better! 

Add a touch of glamour with velvet drapes or tablecloths. Opt for rich, dark colors like burgundy, gold, black, and emerald green to create a luxurious and mysterious atmosphere. This eerie elegance will transport your home to a bygone era and leave your guests in awe. 

Pumpkin Phantasm: Unique and creative pumpkin decorating ideas

Threadbare Gypsy Soul's Kentucky Field Pumpking Collection

No home during Halloween is complete without pumpkins and LOTS of pumpkins! The same thrift store where I joke about my amber addiction also knows I have pumpkin problem people! I can't pass up a pumpkin without buying it. I like buying decorative pumpkins at second hand and thrift stores because new ones from craft stores can be expensive when you want a bunch of them. Especially if you plan to paint or embellish them, it doesn't matter what they start out looking like, you can make any second hand pumpkin look amazing.

Decorative pumpkins also don't need to be made of foam, plastic, or ceramic. Real pumpkins are less expensive and as long as you don't carve or cut into them, will last from early Summer through late Winter and longer, inside or outside. Trust me, you will be done decorating with them, long before they will be they will be done looking perfectly perky for you. When we are done with our pumpkins for the season, we cut them open and feed them to our chickens. Pumpkins used for decoration inside, can also be used to make pumpkin pie or pumpkin bread. We also save some of the pumpkin seeds each year and grow our own the following year. Talk about inexpensive Fall decor! We have three little pumpkins so far… aren't they sooooo cute!!!  

There are so many things you can do with pumpkins. Get creative and transform your pumpkins into a phantasm of unique and eye-catching designs. Consider painting pumpkins with a metallic wash for a chic and modern look. You can also use stencils to create intricate patterns or designs on your pumpkins

I carved these extra large foam pumpkins to look like giant jack-o-lanterns, stacked them on large planters, added witch hats for more height, and surrounded them with smaller pumpkins, pinecones, and feathers spilling over the sides.

Another idea is to stack pumpkins of different sizes to create a pumpkin topiary, adding height and interest to your display. Don't forget to incorporate other elements like feathers, flowers and greenery to make your pumpkins truly stand out. 

Too much time slaving away on your broomstick not leaving you enough time to enchant your pumpkins into beautiful works of art? Let Threadbare Gypsy Soul deliver magic to your home this Halloween season with our Emerald Green and Gold Pearl Pumpkins. Or our, equally chic, Petite Pearl Pumpkin.

Both are part of Threadbare Gypsy Soul's Hexquisite Halloween Collection and Fall at the Farmhouse Collection.

Want a truly high-end and unique look this Halloween? Go with our Chinoiserie Pumpkins. These striking blue and white china floral pattern pumpkins will bring a cultured sophistication to your Fall decorating. 

Threadbare Gypsy Soul’s Chinoiserie Pumpkins

Side note: Tired of these side notes yet?? I swear, last one… again while I love a good thrift store find, all of the pumpkins we sell at Threadbare Gypsy Soul are new. I try out new techniques and designs with my thrift store pumpkin finds and use them in my own decorating. Once I perfect a pumpkin technique, I utilize new ones for selling in the store. Clearly, I am not against recycling but I want yours to have the best life and bring you joy for many, many years to come.  


Celebrate Halloween in style with these hexquisite decorating ideas that will transform your home into a hauntingly bootiful retreat. Whether you prefer spooky stylish or eerie elegance, these tips and tricks will help you create an enchanting and eerie atmosphere perfect for the Halloween season. So unleash your creativity, let Threadbare Gypsy Soul help you embrace the spirit of Halloween, and let your home become the ultimate haunted haven! Happy haunting!


1. How can I decorate my house nicely?

Choose a theme, balance colors and textures, create focal points, add a personal touch, use strategic lighting, and update decor based on seasons or holidays.

2. How do you hang Halloween decorations without damaging walls?

Use Command Strips, removable hooks, painter's tape, twine or string with adhesive hooks, decorative tacks, or window clings to hang decorations without damaging walls. Test on a small area first.